Dar’Sal’s Response to Pandemics and Epidemics

In previous posts, you have seen responses from characters who are on the side of good or even heroes.  This next one is a break from the goodie two shoes to the darker side of things.  This character is by far no good guy.  He is a villain and will do pretty much anything to make things rough for those who side with his chosen foe, Sabbath.

The reason why he hates her so much is because she kept refusing him and told him point blank she would never marry him.  She didn’t like him.  He gave her bad vibes.

He wanted the prestige of being part of her family within the clan.  They weren’t high ranking, but had enough pull that it would do well to on good terms.  Well, he didn’t like being told no, and took it out on others until he was banished.  He later returned with his own allies and destroyed her home while she and some others were away.

That’s a very brief background of Dar’Sal to give you an inkling behind his responses.  He is by no means a good kitty.

Name: Darreth Salero

Alias(es): Dar’Sal, Sar, Reth, Salero, Sal, Clanless

Occupation: Crossbow for hire, spy, general warrior

Dar’Sal is a very dark, evil person.  He came from the same clan as Sabbath but was too violent in his inability to take no for an answer that he was banished.  When he vowed vengeance, he took it to the extreme.

Finding someone who could create such an illness would be right up his alley.  He’d be the one would have given truth to the conspiracy theorists in our world.  He’d also be cruel enough in making sure a cure or vaccine would be kept just out of reach to watch everyone die around him.  If he heard of someone trying to make a cure or found one, he’d find it upon himself to find a way to get rid of the cure or the person who made it.  More than likely, both.

He cares so little for life that he would be going around encouraging the ignorant and scared to go against what they were told and make them believe that the sickness is a lie or nothing so terrible as to kill anyone.  The less it looks like he had a hand in it, the more he likes the idea.

He has just enough charisma to make people want to trust him until the find out that he lied to them and left them in such a spot, they have no choice but to take the fall.  Who knows how many Dar’Sal had put to death because of his manipulations.

This character isn’t an easy one to write.  But, he comes in handy to explain why certain things happened.  If anything, he’d be talking to certain people on capitol hill to encourage them to not help those in need.

Maggie’s Response to Pandemics and Epidemics

My apologies for not keeping up with the posts the last couple of nights.  Things have been a bit busy with this being payweek and the stimulus hit. Things got paid and stuff was bought.  Nuff said…

The first of tonight’s characters is from the same world as Rosie and Athena.  Yes, she is human.  She is also a mutant.  Her ability allows her to manipulate sound waves, the air in a way to prevent sound, and the use of sound to work within the human brain.  She is definitely no doctor and doesn’t care what others think.

Best way to describe Maggie is to compare her to Avril Lavigne.  Her genre of music is the same and she enjoys being on stage.  While I role played her long ago, Maggie essentially was Avril.  Since, she has taken on a life of her own and fallen into the rock star life style.

Name: Margaret Mae Stevenson

Alias(es): Maggie, Mags, Aura

Occupation: Singer/Songwriter

First things first, never call Maggie, Margaret.  She hates that name.  It isn’t cool.  It’s a name for an old lady from the 50s, not vibrant woman of the modern era.  She’d be one of those famous people the news would be interviewing, appearing on shows like the talk, and making that appearance to sing and help raise money for the less fortunate.  In the public eye, she is on top of things and handling her downtime with dignity and humor.  But, in private, things are different.

Maggie hates sitting around doing nothing.  One can only spend so much time writing songs and singing.  Interviews are a welcome break, but they never show the real her. She isn’t claustrophobic, but not being on tour and entertaining the masses is very boring.

There are plenty of reasons for her to stay home and batten down the hatches.  The biggest one is her own daughter who she tries hard to keep out of the public eye.  Protecting her is the first thing on her mind, so trying to keep things quiet while she’s in an interview is no easy task.  Not to mention, she doesn’t want her ability to be known to the whole world.  It could adversely affect her ticket sales.

Is she married?  Maybe and she’ll never give a straight answer.

Her reaction to this virus would be one of controlled fear.  She’ll do what she can to help those in need, but she doesn’t want to be anywhere near the sickness herself.  Her online presence would be stronger just to help pass the time and get more inspiration for her music.

Where she’d be hunkering down she’d intentionally keep as a secret.  It doesn’t do too much good to step out into a crowd of fans and paparazzi.  If anything is needed, online ordering for the win.  If contactless transactions are offered, she will use it.  So, with the exception of anything being done online, she keeps things very private.

So, that is Maggie. Introverted during down time and a full extrovert during normal times… if you want to call them normal. If you have any questions for Maggie, just send to this post on Facebook, or come here, to WordPress.  I’ll give the response in her voice as best as I can.

Leofa’s Response to Pandemics and Epidemics

As promised, I have returned to give you another character’s reactions to pandemics and epidemics.  Tonight’s character is from the world I normally write in, Haven; Leofa.  She is a business owner and a supporter of the community.  Now, she does not run a normal business; such as a bar or general store.  She is the madam of a brothel. (ahem)  But, she does do many things for her community as a good business owner should.

Name: Leofa

Alias(es): Bunbun, Madam (rest are not polite)

Occupation: Madam of the Rabbit Hutch brothel, event organizer, volunteer

Even though Leofa is a rather happy go lucky lady, she takes her business seriously.  For a business to succeed, the people working there need to be happy.  Happy employees, happy customers.  It works great that way.  Can’t make happy customers if her staff don’t like their jobs.

So in times like what we have now, she is working extra hard to help her staff.  With a lock down and stay at home order, those who do not live at the Rabbit Hutch would be sent home or accommodations set up for them if they are new to the area.  She is a savvy business owner and has made sure she is very self sufficient by growing what food and resources she needs.

Anything she grows, she will share as long as it doesn’t cut her short anywhere. If she can, she would prepare food for the needy in her community and make sure no one violates the orders given by the town and kingdom leaders.

Leofa is definitely one to be prepared for anything, so a lock down would come as no surprise.  Sometimes, it pays to be part rabbit. Got to be on the look out for any trouble.

So, this was Leofa’s response.  If you have questions and want to hear them in her voice, just respond to this post on Facebook or here on WordPress.

Rosie and Athena’s Response to Pandemics and Epidemics

With yesterday being Sunday and Easter, I forgot about making my post.  That’s all on me, not the religious holiday or the fact it was Sunday.  So, yeah, bad author.  Bad, bad, author!

With that being said, this one, regardless is a two for one post then another will be made later to feature another character.  The two featured today are Rosie and Athena.  These two come from a more modern world based off the Hero system centered in the mutant school, Ravenswood Academy.  So, yes, these ladies have special powers.

(Sorry, there are pictures of these two but I can say they are human, not anthromorphs)

First up, Rosie

Name: Rosemary Evyllynn Hardy

Alias(es): Rosie, Glow, Caduceus

Occupation: Med School Student, assistant nurse at Ravenswood Academy for the “special kids”

Rosie’s response would be right there with the Surgeon General in trying to get people to listen at the beginning then, more or less, letting those same people understand they should have listened from the start.  It is her life’s goal to become a doctor and out her healing powers to use in helping others.  On the side, she is a minor hero who patrols through the projects and among the homeless trying to keep them safe and well as best as she can with a few of her friends.  By this point, she’d be moving from hospital to hospital in hero uniform trying to help cure the worst cases in the ICU and letting the staff know which ones waiting to get seen are able to handle the minor symptoms or not as well as screen people for the virus.

When not in uniform, she’d be helping to keep things locked down at the school and helping find a vaccine as part of her studies to become a doctor.  Unless she’s working as a hero, little she does will be acknowledged.  She doesn’t have that much access but she can be trusted to keep things safe and clean.  She isn’t in it for the glory, anyway.  All she wants to do is keep people safe and healthy.


Name: Athena Popadopoulos

Alias(es): none

Occupation: White Hat Hacker, systems annalist

Because Athena’s powers are tech based, there isn’t a lot she can do except monitor computer systems with all the spare time she has.  Her field of work inst full necessity but it is needed to keep the electronics in hospitals, banks, and other businesses in good working order.  There will always be hackers to find, so she’s rarely bored.

With everyone urged to stay home and most businesses closed, hackers and scammers are having a hay day trying to get people’s money and identities.  Since that can be done from home, she’s kept busy tracking them down.  Any down time would be spent using Zoom or other video chat to keep connected.  Being a non-practicing Catholic, this wouldn’t prevent her from attending the important ceremonies, such as Easter, but she’d still do as she’s told and not go out.  Online church is better than no church, after all.

There’s two my girls from Ravenswood Academy.  Any questions you want to ask them just respond on my Facebook post or just come here and comment. I’ll do my best to answer in their voices.

Writing Again

More to celebrate coming soon. 😀

It has been a while, a very LONG while, since I last posted on any blogs other than the occasional blurb on Facebook.  Last known post here was back in November.  Her we are at the end of April.

Featured Image -- 1399
Bow before your feline overlords

Not a lot has happened during these five months.  Very little in fact beyond work and taking care of myself, my son, and our family.  Naturally, my three cats get the lion’s share of the attention but then, they are our furry overlords and must be treated as such.  If either of them demand my attention, they’ll get it in some form or another.  Naturally, it is never enough… to them.

But, as the title of this post says, I am writing again.  It has been too long.  A couple of years too long since I actually sat down and wrote.  I guess college burned me out that badly as far as writing.  Speech class alone was a LOT of writing, then there was English Comp and Lit to slog through.  Yeah, there was a lot of writing.

This story is not yet named, but it starts off rather sad.  Depressing if you ask me, and it wasn’t easy to write.  It just came to me one day at work and I guess my general mood added to the overall idea of how to start this one off.  But, the fact of the matter is, I am back to writing.

So, to prove I am doing something, here’s an excerpt:

(Warning: it is a bit long)

Slowly, Firiel looked up at Tish then a soft laugh bubbled its way up her sore throat.  “I keep telling you, Tish, there is no need to be so formal with us.”  Though the laugh started a coughing fit which curled the old cat up in pain, she still maintained a brighter outlook.  As best as she could, she waved off her mate when he tried to help her through the episode.  “No.  Vorn, I’ll be fine,” she finally gasped as she relaxed.

“Mom, please,” pleaded her son before the look all children have come to understand from their mothers appeared in the weather face.  “We love you.  Let us help you through this.”

“No, son.” She whispered, struggling to get just a few more minutes with her family.  “I’ll be fine.”  Then, with the last of her strength, she sat up and pointed towards a dusty old box sitting on a shelf beside a large soft cushion.  “Look in that box.  My rings.  Make sure Rhaina get the turquoise one, Minka.  That one is hers.  Yours is my bonding ring.”  She gave her daughter a weakened smile then gave her attention to her son.  “There is a gold band in there, that one is yours.  Tish, my pearl pendant is for you.  Use them to remember me by.”

No sooner had the last words left her lips then she lost any strength she had left.  Her body slumped back against the pillows and she lay there gasping for her last breath.  Vorn slipped his arms around her shoulder and listened to her heart work hard to keep beating slowing with each remaining beat.

“I… love… you…” she whispered softly into his ear with her final breath.  Her eyes closed then her body went still.  As if a switch went off, the color drained from her fur with the last rattling breath left her body.

Wracked by uncontrollable sobbing, Vorn held beloved wife tight in his arms while his children watched; unable to believe that their mother was gone.  “I’ll always love you, Firiel.  Always.”  He choked his words into her cheek fur, clinging to her lifeless body as if just holding on tight would bring her back.

Micah, Tish, and Minka watched, trying not to believe what their own senses told them.  Tears rolled down their cheeks in fresh rivers unchecked.  Only their father’s sobs could be heard in the quiet of the bower.  His grief knew no bounds.  Theirs was too fresh to accept but it was growing quickly within them.

I hope you enjoyed this.  Maybe more will be shared later.  For now, feel free to critique and comment.

Ciao for now!

Life and Such

tragedy-prompt2It has been little more than a month since my last post.  To be honest, I haven’t felt as though I had anything to share other than work is super busy (which is a given), Colin is being a boy (trouble but still a good kid) and things like that.  Nothing really new.  Not even a single new word written for any story.

What is sad is I have gone through several of my stories in my head, thinking of new twists and arcs then when I sit at my computer… nothing.  All those ideas run and hide behind the neurons and other distractions until time for bed when they return to cavort through my mind again until I fall asleep.  So far, I have found an actual end to Leofa’s background story and one of my erotic stories is in progress.  Neither has seen any work at all to get onto the screen or paper.

unhappy woman in orange dress sitting on the stony bench in the park

I’m sure there is something not right in my head.  Until I can get to the doctor, nothing much beyond suspicions can be said.  Other than these artistic pursuits gone dormant, I feel a growing disconnect with people around me.  Well, people outside my family.  I adore most of my co-workers.  These are wonderful men and women who are just as nuts as I am, but anything beyond the casual now and I want to back away.

Work has become a mental game of  ‘Can I get to the next break’ until time to go home.  This is an exhausting game some days and very tiring the rest.  I want to go out, but getting among people is, to be honest, scary.

Letting people see my thoughts is becoming more and more difficult to do.  I don’t want to become a shut-in, but I feel myself slowly edging in that direction.

Wow!  Exercise!

On a brighter note, however, I am finally starting an exercise routine.  Crazy work schedule won’t allow it to be too stable, but I’ll work with what I got.  Yesterday was my first work out and Colin came along.  We were only able to get in 20 minutes before the gym closed, but that was a good power walk for me and a lot of running and walking for him.  Today we had about 45 minutes or so where he learned to use the free weights, worked on the stepper and did some running on the treadmill.

As for me, I did a few free weights showed Colin how to use the rower and stepper then did a decent run on the stationary bike.  As sore as various muscles are, I feel good for it after a long day of standing on my feet at a register.

So, beginning weight for my workout is 302.5 lbs.  I’m already half way to my first weight goal of losing 25 lbs.  At 285 or better, I will buy myself a ring I’ve been wanting for a while as the reward.  The next weight goal will be going to Andulini’s for their all you can eat pizza.  It’ll be well worth it.  My aim is to get down to 180 lbs which is the upper end for my height and build.  I may never be a size size, but I’ll be happy in a 12 or 16.

With all of this, I am, sadly, skipping NaNoWriMo this year to focus on mental and physical health.  The ideas are there, but I just don’t have the mental energy to do it.  I may write some, we’ll see, but I doubt it.

NaNo Novel Concept

Less than a week and counting!

I am looking forward to this year’s NaNoWriMo.  It’ll be the first one since I started college two years ago.  With nothing filling my spare time outside of work, I’ll be committing to torturing my characters as they try to find their way through mountain passes and dragon lairs.  Loads of fun for me!  *evil laughter*

At the moment, I don’t have names for my adventuring party.  There’s no real title either, so I am going with what this one will be: a dungeon crawl.  Following AD&D rules to an extent but definitely rolling the dice to see what happens next and how badly they screw up.  *evil grin*  This will, fortunately, be taking place in the world of Have, my own world where most of my fantasy writing takes place.  So, yes, this will have anthropomorphic creatures rather than humans and demi-humans.  Anyone who knows me will understand the reasoning behind it.

The only names I have are for the monarchy; King Yoseph and Queen Katrina.  The names for the adventuring party are eluding me, for now.  But, they will come about sooner or later.  I hope sooner so I can do more with their set up before NaNo starts.  At least I know what species each will be, so that part is out of the way.

I do have an idea of what is going to happen and in what order.  There will be two primary points which will get them to the artifact they need.  I also do not know what that artifact will be.  But, that can give a bit of mystery to the story while the characters discuss what it is they are seeking.

The best thing is the first seven chapters have already given me the set up for the adventure.  Chapter one will be problem which will require the artifact.  Chapters two through seven will each character coming into the story.  From then on, it’ll be a mystery even to me as to what goes on before the reach way point number one.

Good luck to anyone who is taking on this crazy challenge!  Better stock up on your writing munchies.  Oh, would someone please send me about 50 bags of Jelly Bellies?  Those are my favorite writing snack.

A Little About My Fantasy World

After such a long hiatus from this blog and other writing pursuits, it has come to my attention that not many know much, if anything, about the world I create in; the world which centers around the short stories of my compilation Trysts of the Hearts; the series which is supposed to be erotic based.  So, without further ado, I’ll give some insight into the paranormal aspects of my fantasy world of Haven.

Hauntings in my world aren’t uncommon.  There are the deep, dark forests where few animals live because of spirits, either from the dead or nature, dwell.  In these places even the most dulled senses can pick up the creepy vibe when they enter, but only those with a shamanistic background in magic or their talent is connected with communicating with ethereal beings can see and either banish them or work with these spirits.

Animated skeletons in these places are always planted by necromancers and other pranksters to scare people away their secret places.  Bogs, forests, ancient cemeteries forgotten by time are usually filled with hidden places filled with treasure and all of them are guarded by any number of undead such as skeletons, ghouls, and mummies.  Any powerful mage is capable of animating or ensnaring these to protect their labs and libraries.

Goblins, vampires, licht, nightmares, and the like are very real entities who prey on the living.  Zombies, in their own right, are also just as real within this world and in some places, are a problems for adventurers to handle for a bit of gold and treasure.  Regardless, they are dangerous without someone strong enough to defeat them or at the very least keep them at bay.  Magical weapons are a good resource when delving into old towers and dungeons.

Just don’t forget the special charms at the apothecary shoppes or the person who sends you on that quest because they just have to have that particular item and are too scared to get it themselves.  Better yet, hire a good mage and shaman to accompany you on that adventure because even the kitsune can be more than a handful for the best adventurers.

Monster Week Prompt 3

You knew it was coming.  Enjoy!



Twilight hung over the raw battle field, covering the dead bodies in a shroud of darkness as the sun set. A tick haze rolled across the shadowy field, covering the fallen and setting fire to what was left of the trampled grass adding smoke to the ethereal haze. A strange howl rose up, making the ground shudder and the smoke and haze swirl as if it were boiling.

High above the battle ground a lane figure stood watching as the light waned and a new menace entered the field. Bright yellow eyes missed nothing as she gazed at the unfolding scene below. A hot wind flew up, tossing her cloak behind her in billowing waves .

She was not pleased with what she saw below. Nor was she pleased with what was coming out of the deepest depths of Hell. This was just the beginning of a war she tried to prevent between the gods. The price of blood for this battle was already paid and now, those souls would not be able to see the rest they deserved.

What do you see, mother?” A soft male voice came from behind her as a large hand reached for her shoulder. He stood tall and burly, dressed in armor and carrying a helmet beneath one arm. Only his feet were bare, letting him feel the earth beneath his toes and let his claws dig in deep while he fought.

Another howl broke the silence, shuddering the ground once again as mother and son observed. Looking up at him, she smiled, whiskers twitching at the acrid scent of metal and leather. That smile faded quickly with her reply. “I see a large menace coming to us, my son. We will have to fight again.”

The men are tired. I don’t think they could go another step right now.” His voice sounded concerned for the men under his command.

I know, Yaneh, I know, but we are left with no choice.” She heaved a heavy sigh and turned to walk back to the encampment. “I have healed all that can. The rest… will have to make do with a potion. Prepare them, son.”

Her words were just as good as any command from a king or emperor to him. Yaneh nodded then followed his mother back to where his men set up their camp. Though his mother was smaller than her, she had about her a strength he could never describe and learned quickly never to question her motives.

He jogged ahead and called out the orders to have all the men assemble before night was fully upon them. It wasn’t much time, but he knew they needed to be ready. As soon as his orders were passed along through the ranks, he left to help his mother prepare her potion.

The men are gathering.” He stated as he came to a stop by her fire pit. “Do you want me to help you?” He grinned slightly at her and tilted his head.

Blue eyes met yellow briefly before the smaller feline nodded. “If you want. You know what to do as much as I.” From a pouch hanging from her belt, she dumped out several musty smelling bags. Together, she and her son picked through them and poured the contents into boiling pot of water over the fire.

The flames danced high, changing colors with each new addition to the pot. As the last ingredient was added, a fox came running up, panting hard from his exhaustion. “Lady Sab’Eth! Lady Sab’Eth! We need you. The enemy is coming up the cliff toward us.” He no sooner got the last words out and he fell into a heap, dead with an arrow through his back.

Quickly son! Drink the potion then get it to our men as fast as you can.” She flung her arm back to whisk her cloak away from her body then glared into the night. Behind her, she heard the heavy thud of her son’s feet hit the ground as he ran back to take care of his contingents.

From out of the darkness, two sets of reflected the fire light. As they moved closer, the faint sound of chains clinked and the vague outline of the huge apes appeared in the flickering light.

A whoosh of wind rushed through, tugging at her cloak s Sab’Eth stood there, glaring at the intruder with her hands down at her sides and the tip of her tail flicking slowly with her contained anger. “So,” she growled, “you decided to surrender? Good. We don’t need any more bloodshed on this land.” She sounded as bold as she felt and knew the demon wasn’t there to end the war but to end her.

A loud, booming, laughed rumbled through the earth toward her before the baleful glare of a demon entered the ring of light cast by her fire. “What ever gave you that idea? You know as well as I that I’m here for you.” He laughed again.

The giant apes rattled their chains and strained against them to get to her. Sab’Eth smirked then barked a laugh of her own. “You can’t have me, Grax. You don’t have the balls to try and take me.” She flexed her fingers, showing off the claws she kept sharp and hidden.

Grax smirked then released the chains. “Get her,” he commanded the giant apes.

The beasts howled as they leaped at her, digging hand-like paws into the ground and throwing up dirt with each step. Their headlong rush to the smaller feline lady skidded to a stop when their bodies felt nothing except for the slash of searing pain along their hind legs.
They turned quickly and rushed her again only to receive the same treatment.

She wasn’t aware of the attack on the camp, only the demon at her own and the pets which were coming after her. Round and round she lead them, slashing at exposed flanks and legs. Many times she tried for the head and missed. They could see her coming.

As she wiped her forehead, she smirked. “Looks like you finally found a pet worthy of taking me on, Grax. Let’s see If they can handle another demon.”

The spell she recited jerked her body as the demon’s laughed at her attempt. He watched as the apes continued to attack, barely breaking through the spell’s field to touch her contorting body. The feline humanoid body reshaped through flashes of brilliant light, turning her from a morph to a panther-like demon with pupiless glowing eyes and a dark aura surrounding her body. Knotted muscles twitched beneath a short pelt of ebony fur as she roared her anger at the attacking apes.

Almost as large as the demonic apes, Sab’Eth rushed at them and slashed with claws sharp enough to slice through metal as if it were butter. She gave as good as she got in the fight with the monstrous apes. She could smell their determination to kill her as commanded. They were her equal in strength, but she had a slight edge; she still had her intellect and could out think both beasts with ease.

Grax kept watch, his eyes narrowing when the cat-woman changed shape. He snarled with how easy she could avoid the worst of the apes’ strikes. But they were two against one. He had the advantage. Just to make sure, he tossed in a spell of his own, adding to the speed and strength of his minions. Then, just to add to his own amusement, tossed fireballs into the fray.

She was without backup and now, the advantage shifted over to the demon’s side. Dodging fireballs and trying to avoid being tackled by the apes, she twitched and turned, letting her own instincts guide her movements while she considered her targets.

For what seemed like hours, she battled the apes. Her energy was beginning to ebb and her three opponents were limitless. She was starting to show the effects of being out numbered, but she kept fighting on, getting slower and slower, but her strikes more devastating. She’d sooner die than lose a fight to these beasts and Grax.

Over the howls of the apes, a loud roar echoed, startling the demon enough his throw was off, hitting his own minion rather than the panther. The chance gave her an opening. While the ape burned, she went for the throat, swiping with her paw to main it and get out of the way of the acid coursing through its veins.

Again, a roar startled the apes, giving her another opportunity to strike. She was getting too tired to fight, but she took every chance she could. Rest would come later.

Mother!” The shout sounded more like another roar and the acrid scent of transformation reached her nose in time for her to see the tendrils of dark aether wrap around her son. When he emerged, he looked much like her only larger, stronger, and better protected by the very spirit he held within him. As he leapt into the fray, he roared to her, “Run! I have this.”

Sab’Eth shook her head then dropped to the ground to let him tackle the apes before they could crush her. “No! Tale care of them. I’ll get Grax, their leader.”

No sooner said than an army of the demon apes arrived, howling their hunger. Some were dragging their victims. Others were licking their lips and drooling at the prospect of more than just dinner.

Just as the demons arrived, so did the army her son led. They shouted and banged their weapons against their shields then charged. A clash of metal and stone like flesh rang through the mountains as the two armies merged into one battle under the pale moon light.

Over it all, the maddening howl of the beastly apes shook the ground and the roars of the clans answered them back. Only the rising sun, hours from that point, would tell who the victor would be.

Monster Week Writing Prompt 2

Today’s prompt features a djinn.  The picture, I swear, comes out of a AD&D monster manual.  That is how familiar it looks to me, but it serves as a very good prompt.  This one isn’t as long as the others.  Maybe a page or so in length, so you don’t have to skim through as much.  Oh, and before I forget, it is a silly ending.  It wasn’t intended to be scary at all.


Arms crossed, the green genie frowned at the quivering man before him. 10,000 years and he gets the same reaction every time. They all get scared of the big, muscle-bound, man made of smoke without bothering to introduce themselves or give him an excuse to scare them. It was all the same and he could guess what the next thing would be, a “request” for wishes.

Oh great and powerful genie, I have searched far and wide…” The man’s voice faded from his mind as the djinn looked down on him.

Genie. He was not a genie. No one could get it right. Genies are weak compared the djinn. All the magical demigods considered them fledglings of the magical world and the djinn thought no less. Seriously, he could be doing something else besides listening to the same old litany for the millionth time in as many years. It wasn’t the life he wanted, but he was stuck with it.

Realizing he needed to give a reply to his “master” he looked down at the man, lifted a brow ever so slowly, then moved in close enough to touch his nose to man’s. His intense stare made the man cower and back away from him before the djinn decided to straighten up and return to scowling at this pitiful insect of a master.

Out with your demands, human.” His voice boomed and thunder rolled to emphasize his displeasure. Just then, as the silence filled the area only to be broken by the squeak of a very frightened human, he got an idea.

I… I… I wish to be rich.” The man’s voice quivered uncontrollably. “Yeah, I wanna be rich. And famous!” He raised his hand to point out the addition to the first wish.

That’s two wishes, human,” he snarled through his growing smile. The evil just glimmered in his eyes. “Make this last one count.”

The human blinked up at the djinn before protesting. “N-no, that’s one wish. Just one. I get two more.”

Arching a brow high, he leaned in close to the human and smelled something foul. He must have scared this human into filling his shorts. Lovely. “There are no exceptions, /human/,” he said, growling under his breath at him. “Rich and famous are two different requests. Should have rephrased that.”

But! But!” The stammered before relenting with a heavy sigh.

What is your last request.” He just knew what the last wish would be and he was going to give it a different interpretation.

Puffing out his chest, the human grinned, thinking he’d have this genie right where he wanted him. “I want to be what every woman needs, genie.”

A snap of his fingers and the djinn made the wishes come true, but the first two, he canceled. They were no longer needed now that the human was laying on the ground as a long, thin pad.